About me: Amy Mills (she/her)
About me: Amy Mills (she/her)
About me: Amy Mills (she/her)
Online Consultative Supervision
What is Online Consultative Supervision?
For many professionals who support people as part of their roles it can be invaluable to have a neutral person to talk to in confidence about any aspect of the work they are doing. Some liken supervision to a pressure release valve – a time to be honest, talk freely, reflect and process what is coming up for them. It helps prevent burn out and improves work / life balance as they have somewhere to process their thoughts and emotions meaning work stresses are less likely to bleed into the rest of their lives. Online Consultative Supervision is a contracted, boundaried relationship where the focus of discussion is on the person coming to supervision’s work – although talking about things happening in your personal life which affect your work is relevant and totally fine to do too. It is not line management so we don’t set performance targets. The agenda for each conversation is set by you allowing you to focus on whatever is most pressing on your mind at that time. Our conversations are confidential meaning you can talk honestly knowing that neither your colleagues nor your manager will be told anything about what you say. It is a time to reflect on the work you are doing and the environment you’re in, to take stock, to explore relational dynamics and consider how you best support the people in your care. We can consider alternatives for how you might approach situations which are feeling stuck or repetitive and if relevant think about options for changes you might want to make in your relationships or workplace. I listen carefully to what you say and offer insight based on my therapeutic training and 15 years’ experience counselling and supervising a wide range of children, young people and adults in variety of settings. My likely different perspective from the rest of your team may be helpful in giving you an alternative interpretation of why people behave as they do and how else you might approach working with them. I work to the BACP Ethical Framework and within UK law. I’m not judging your performance but I will let you know if I think you have a legal obligation to do – or not do - something if you’re unaware of it. Meeting online is time efficient – you don’t need to take time out to travel. For our meetings, all you need is to ensure you’re in a place with a strong telephone or internet signal, which is private so you can talk freely and ideally be comfortable in.
Who is Consultative Supervision helpful for?
Professionals whose work involves supporting other people including: • Primary, secondary, further and higher education staff (such as teachers, lecturers and support staff) • Designated Safeguarding Leads • Head Teachers and Senior Leadership Teams • Healthcare workers (such as GPs and nurses) • Youth workers • Social workers • Carers and support workers This list is not finite so if you think consultative supervision could be helpful for you in your role then please contact me to discuss further.
OK, so how do I set it up?
You can contact me or book online to arrange an initial discussion of up to 30 minutes. We can speak by telephone, online audio or video - whichever feels most comfortable for you. In this conversation we will consider together what is prompting you to seek supervision at the moment, whether my style of supervision is likely to be helpful for you, approximately how much supervision you need and whether we both have availability to be able to meet regularly. The conversation is free of charge. If we agree that supervision sessions together are both do-able and likely to be helpful, then I will email you a copy of my standard supervision contract and privacy statement for you to read. We will also agree a time/day for a one-off assessment appointment, which lasts 60 minutes and is usually held by online video. The assessment appointment is charged for and involves discussing the scope of your role(s) more fully. We can also focus on one or two aspects of your work in more depth to see how useful this feels for us both and from this we can make a more informed judgment about whether we want to go ahead and meet on a regular basis. If we agree to continue to work together then I will email you a supervision contract and a privacy statement for you to read and sign electronically using the Frama RMail system. The terms of these include those found on the Terms of Use and Privacy pages on this site.
How regularly do I need to come?
Once the paperwork is completed, we will agree when to meet for regular supervision sessions. These can be scheduled to suit you and can either be at the same time/day on a regular basis, or can be scheduled as and when needed to fit around other commitments.​ Each professional is different in terms of how much supervision feels useful and it may vary at different times. I suggest first thinking what would be most helpful for you (e.g. monthly or quarterly meetings, half-term or termly meetings) and then we can take it from there.
What records do you keep?
Brief notes of all sessions are held securely on electronic and paper-based systems, and your data is available for you to view on request. You can view my Privacy Policy and a copy will be emailed to you before and discussed at the initial assessment appointment. Paper Plane Counselling is registered with the Information Commissioner's Office and my systems comply with the Data Protection Act 2018 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).